Make a Referral

We’re thrilled you’re part of our community.

If you are happy with Fora, we’d love for you to spread the word about us with your network. Here is what happens after you make a referral:

Fora Referal Journey

Fora Referral Journey

  1. Referral - Fora recieves a referral for the client.
  2. Client Sign-up - Client Signs up with Fora.
  3. AHP Contact - we ask the AHP if they're happy to work with our Therapy Assistant
  4. TA Selection - we help the client choose a therapy assistant
  5. Team Meeting - meeting between AHP, TA, and Client to discuss goals and set expectations.
  6. Check in - TA will check in with you as often as you recommend

When you refer a person seeking assistance to Fora, they can choose and meet with a therapy assistant at absolutely no cost. Our community only starts paying when they feel they’ve found somebody that’s right for them.

If you know somebody that might benefit from using a therapy assistant, fill out this form and we’ll aim to get back to you by the next business day.

Your Details

Contact Person

Who is the person seeking assistance’s best contact person?
This is the person we will contact on a regular basis regarding cancellations, schedules TA selection etc. This is usually a parent, a close family member or the person seeking assistance themselves

What are the details of the person seeking assistance?

Once we’ve found an assistant, we’ll organise a Team Meeting together with the person seeking assistance, the new TA and the client’s AHP. What kind of meeting is most appropriate in this case?